Friday, June 18, 2010

Free Insider Tips--Not To Be Taken Lightly

Singing and playing on the streets gives you the advantage to receive a variety of privileged information from passers-by.  I'm not sure exactly why they chose me to share these insider tips with.  I think some genuinely care and want to save me from impending doom.  Three weeks ago a man who spends his days in the park told me that they world was going to end the following week and that I shouldn't worry because he had reserved a place on the boat for me and my wife and that we were safe from the apocalypse.  He spoke in tongues part of the time, so some of the pertinent details were lost in translation, but I for the most part, I understood that we'd be o.k. 
Well, we're all still here, three weeks later.  I had packed my bags for nothing.  But better safe than sorry.
Yesterday, however, was unsettling.  A young man listened to an original song I was singing called "August Sky" about the stars above and infinity and the endless beauty of the Perseids shower on a summer night in Maine.   The man smiled and politely waited till I ended the song before speaking.  He made small talk about the song, but then asked me about what I believed in.  I told him stars, infinity, boundless beauty, that I'd like to think my stepson Jonathan, who died two years ago, was among those stars, his soul now part of the endless universe.  The man launched into a canned speech about accepting Jesus Christ as my savior.  I told him I thought Christ was cool, as well as Buddha, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ghandi, among others.  He told me Christ was the only true prophet.  Instantly I was sucked into a cauldron of the old argument I've heard so many times, that his way is the only way and everyone else was going to hell.  I could kick myself, every time I get blindsided by this line of thinking.  I'm pulled in and find myself going in circles with no way out.  I try to be polite and respectful.  I try to ease my way out, but religious bullies won't let you breath.  Finally, as I could feel him becoming frustrated with my pigheadedness, he shrugged and said he was just trying to help me and he felt bad for me that I would be going to hell.  I said thanks, and maybe we would finish our discussion at some later time, maybe in heaven.  I told him I had to get back to work and wished him a good day.  He shook his head in frustration and walked away. 
Like the apocalypse, I hope this information also turns out to be not true.  Me going to hell, that is.  I don't handle heat very well.  On the other hand, it might be interesting to see who else shows up there.  I could always start a band.

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