Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The other day I was singing in Suburban Station, and and angel hovered next to me, and started harmonizing with me.  Songs she didn't know.  Original songs.  In perfect harmony.  With a gospel spice, which was wonderful.  Clarissa was her name.  She sang with me, call and response, and at times she would take it and run with it....I played guitar and let her channel the Spirit.   A crowd gathered and appreciated our performance.  Eventually Clarissa realized it was time to move on.  I was sad to see her go.
This is why I play on the streets.  This connection.  This opportunity to share the spirit through music with the passing parade.  
Thank you Clarissa, and bless you.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Doctor David is in the House

I'm always grateful for people.  I think that is one of the most pleasurable and satisfying aspects of this busking business...the people.  Singing on the streets and in the subways is ever so interesting and enriching because of the interaction with people.
Of course, there are the people who are desperate, who are angry, who take it out on you with verbal abuse and harrassment, but they are few.  If anything, that kind of experience keeps things in perspective and keeps it real.  So I welcome a human challenge once in a while.
For the most part, however, people are wonderful.  For example, the drawing above.  A young man wanted to give me a gift for playing for him.  He had no money, but he pulled out his sketchpad and sat down opposite me and created this drawing and then handed it to me proudly.  This made my day.
I love seeing the regulars.  Most have long since stopped giving me a donation.  But that's o.k.  Once you feel like you are friends, it becomes difficult to accept money anyway. 
Then there are the regulars, a few of them, who give money everytime they see you.  I almost don't want them to donate, because it keeps the relationship business-like, kind of friendly, but at arm's length.  You know you'll never get close to them, because it is a business transaction.  And that's o.k., too.  Afterall, part of the reason I busk is to earn money, and without their loyalty I wouldn't be earning a cent. 
But mostly I appreciate it when someone stops and actually listens, then comments on the song.  Actually listens and comments on the song. 
That is when I know I have struck a chord with my audience.  Made a connection through the music.  Music is very healing.  It is the best medicine I know. 
Doctor David is in the house.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupying Philadelphia

It's a mystery to me
We have a greed with which we have agreed
Well you think you have go want more than you need
Until you have it all, you won't be free.
Society, you're a crazy breed
hope you're not lonely, without me....

Gotta hand it to the protesters, who occupied City Hall Plaza to call attention to the inequities of our society.  Gotta hand it to Eddy Vedder for writing his song "Society," to call attention to the greed with which we have agreed.
When will it end?  When will the poor and disenfranchised of all races realize, that it is not a race issue...it is a money issue.  Only when the poor of all races join together, recognize their common plight, will there be any progress in making this world a friendlier, more peaceful place to live.
I hope through my music, I can add fuel to their fire, help inspire a new way of thinking in this country....